Residential Pest Control

Common Household Pests in UAE and How to Get Rid of Them

As it has been mentioned earlier, the UAE has a rather hot climate and this is why homeowners often deal with pest infestations. Be it ants that sneak into the kitchen or cockroaches that run across the floor these are not just mere pests but threats to health and property. We at Yalla Pest Control know how living in the UAE can be quite hectic and we’re here to help you get rid of pests in your home. Below, we discuss the five main pests in UAE homes and ways to keep them off or minimize, Five Major Pests Found in UAE Homes.

1. Cockroaches

Among the many pests people face in their homes in UAE cockroaches are among the most common ones, owing to the climatic conditions that exist in the country. In addition to that, these insects are not only unseemly, but they also cause diseases since they can contaminate food and surfaces.

Prevention Tips:

  • Seal Cracks and Gaps: Cockroaches are likely to seek refuge in dark or concealed places, therefore, make sure that you fill up all the cracks, gaps, and vents, especially those close to doors and windows.
  • Maintain Cleanliness: Wash and mop floors as well as countertops, and clean appliances to reduce the chances of having food leftovers that the cockroaches are fond of.
  • Use Bait Stations: The cockroach bait stations should be positioned in cockroach rendezvous points of the house like beneath the sink and behind utensils.

At Yalla Pest Control we provide complete solutions for cockroach control that treat these nuisance insects at their source to provide long-lasting, effective solutions for your home.

2. Ants

Ants are another common problem for UAE residents; they tend to show trails in search of food. The pests can be of different types with some having no impact on structures while others lead to costly damage to properties or lead to contamination of foods.

Prevention Tips:

  • Store Food Properly: Do not leave foods exposed or uncovered for long periods and ensure that any spilled foods are wiped out well to discourage ants.
  • Remove Attractants: Exclude all opportunities for moisture and food such as dripping pipes and opened foodstuffs.
  • Use Natural Repellents: Place cinnamon, peppermint oil, or vinegar around the areas where ants are likely to enter your home to discourage them.

Yalla Pest Control helps you know the type of ants invading your house and the best way of dealing with them.

3. Termites

Termites are a major menace to homes in the UAE with the potential of wreaking a lot of havoc on the structure of homes. This is water activity feeders that thrive, in wooden structures and are almost impossible to detect for years.

Prevention Tips:

  • Reduce Moisture: Be observant if your house has moisture problems since termites are attracted to any leakage and poor ventilation.
  • Regular Inspections: Also, people should ensure that they book a termite inspection with Yalla Pest Control at least once every year to help eradicate them when found.
  • Barrier Treatments: It’s important that you think about applying a termite barrier to your home to deter the termites from penetrating in.

We at Yalla Pest Control have adopted modern methods of eradicating termites by using baiting systems as well as the application of liquid termiticides.

4. Mosquitoes

Mosquitoes go beyond a mere summer nuisance in the UAE because they are capable of transmitting dangerous diseases such as dengue fever and the West Nile virus. They reproduce at a high rate and thus can be almost impossible to get rid of without the assistance of a professional exterminator.

Prevention Tips:

  • Eliminate Standing Water: Mosquitoes lay their eggs inside water that does not flow and changes frequently hence it is advised that one should Drain cans, buckets, and other objects where water can stagnate.
  • Use Insect Screens: Make sure that windows and doors have screens to avoid invasion of the place by mosquitoes.
  • Plant Mosquito-Repellent Herbs: Plant herbs such as basil, citronella, and lavender near your homestead as these herbs repel mosquitoes.

Yalla Pest Control has a program that involves controlling mosquitoes in your home by eradicating their breeding places and reducing their population in the compound.

5. Bed Bugs

Bed bugs are infamous for their stealth, which makes them invade homes unnoticed; they may move from one home to the other through luggage, furniture, or even clothing. These are small insects that prefer feeding on blood from human beings and this causes bites which lead to itching.

Prevention Tips:

  • Inspect Second-Hand Items: When acquiring used furniture, mattresses, clothes, and other things that may be useful in the home, it is also advisable to check whether they contain bed bugs or not.
  • Use Protective Covers: Cover the mattresses and pillows from other bed bug infestations by placing them in protective covers.
  • Vacuum Regularly: Map out homes and businesses so that those rooms with carpets, upholstered items, and bed frames can be vacuumed more frequently for bed bugs and their eggs.

For these reasons, at Yalla Pest Control, we provide mean effective bed bug treatments to get rid of these annoying creatures as well as the possible way to ensure that they do not come back so that you can continue enjoying your sweet sleep in your safe and securely green space.


Some of the pests are a nightmare when it comes to living in UAE homes but luckily there are ways of preventing them from invading your homes and when this is not possible, then it is not a big deal to call for the services of a professional exterminator. Yalla Pest Control is dedicated to delivering the best pest control solutions for the requirements of UAE inhabitants. No matter if you have a cockroach, ants, termites, mosquitoes, or even bed bugs infestation our team is here to help you regain control over your home. To get a free no obligation estimate on the services and how they can help you eliminate pests in your home contact us today.

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